
Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers besøgte DTU Energi for at høre om dansk forskning i udvikling af nye batterimaterialer og katalysatorer, og brug af kunstig intelligens i energiplanlægning
03 OCT

Uddannelses og forskningsministeren hørte om kunstig intelligens og nye materialer...

Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers besøgte DTU for at høre om dansk forskning i udvikling af nye batterimaterialer og katalysatorer, og brug af kunstig intelligens...

Computer calculations Energy and supply Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy systems
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
11 MAR

The cities can become fossil-free, if they think 'smart'

Cities are major energy consumers and thus also CO2 emitters. However, it is precisely the many different urban infrastructures and energy units that may be the key to...

Electronics Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Fossil fuels Energy production Energy systems IT systems Climate adaptation CO2 separation and CO2 storage
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
11 MAR

Software saves millions on urban heating

For the sake of safety, district heating water was previously heated more than adequately. Using software developed at DTU, the temperature in the network is lowered...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Air pollution IT systems Software and programming Energy efficiency Energy production Power stations
Photo: Panthermedia
11 MAR

Clean water on green power

Ingenious software enables operators to move the most energy-consuming processes of the wastewater system to times of the day with plenty of cheap renewable energy. In...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Computer calculations Data analysis Software and programming IT systems Energy efficiency Energy production

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